Re: RC: Flat soles
Haven't had a problem with flat soles, but for a couple of years my horse
had a problem with low heels. Even had to use degree pads for a while.
Finally took a drastic step and changed farriers. I chose the new farrier
by looking at a lot of horses with good feet and asking their owners who
their farrier was. Well, lo and behold, six weeks after changing farriers,
my horse was growing heel! Now she finally has four healthy, balanced feet.
I am convinced my former shoer just didn't know how to trim correctly, and
what I thought was a foot problem, turned out to be a farrier problem!
Peggy Rinehart
Ramona, CA
At 03:05 PM 9/7/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Linda et al,
> My gelding as large, round, and very flat front feet. We are slowly
>working towards 1000 career miles in endurance competition. But this
>year it's been tough. His heels are low and the front feet just aren't
>growning much new wall. And his feet are very dry. Twice he has
>suffered bad stone bruises. (His rear feet grow normally, thank
>goodness.) Bad prognosis for an endurance career! However, we both
>love endurance riding and with special effort, will continue to compete.
>Here's what I have done:
>1. Supplement with Paragon's Biotin Plus. My horse has been on this
>for about 6mos. No sign of improvement yet, but I will continue
>feeding it since many folks say it takes up to a year for results.
>2. I have used full pads on his front feet and completed 50s and a 100
>mile ride successfully. If there's much rock at all, I had him wearing
>3. I'd rather not keep pads on his feet so now I'm using Easy Boots.
>So far so good, but I've not yet done a 50 mile ride with the boots on.
>I've no reason to think they won't work for us.
>4. I try to keep his stall wet/muddy so that his feet will absorb some
>moisture. My vet and my farrier both recommended this. We live in
>arid Southern California.
>5. My horse wears St.Croix shoes, that provided slightly wider
>protection to the sole of his foot.
> Unfortunately, the trails we ride at home are very rocky. Easy Boots
>or pads are required if I'm going to consistently train long and hard.
>The lack of wall growth is not a permanent condition; and in fact only
>got really bad this year. The flat sole is permanent.
> With proper protection, I think your horse will be able to compete.
>You just might not earn miles as quickly and easily as others.
>Good luck!
>Colleen Carlton & LS Naseyn Naborr
>PS Region
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