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Re: Homemade electrolyte mixes

In a message dated 8/18/99 11:08:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< This mix seems to leave out calcium!  Are there any more ingredients in the
 recipe?  I'd be concerned about calcium deficiency and thumps with this mix
 if I used it here in the very sticky, hot North East. >>

One has to keep in mind for ANY electrolyte mix what the horse is eating and 
how efficient he is with various components.  For many of our horses, some 
alfalfa as the ride progresses is plenty of calcium supplementation.  
Likewise, for those of us fortunate to have horses who will eat 40 pounds of 
grass hay pre-ride as well as everything in sight on ride day, electrolytes 
in general are much less of a problem.  We are blessed with some individuals 
who require little or none, and we ride side by side with folks whose horses 
would have metabolic problems under the very same weather conditions if they 
didn't get their calcium, etc.  The take-home message is that you have to 
know your own horse and know what works for him under particular 
circumstances, and not use a particular mix just because it works for Lew or 
Jeanie or whomever.  Discuss with those individuals WHY they use the mix they 
do, and find out if their circumstances match yours!


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