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Re: Horse Falling Down
>Please respond, my 2,000 mile, 9yr. old gelding has fallen twice with
>me in the last six weeks!
I understand why you might think EPM, but you might check some other
things too.
I had an Appaloosa gelding who was kicked in the hock and lost joint
fluid. Despite agressive antibiotics arthritis set in very quickly. He
wasn't lame yet, but the vet assured me he would be soon. I sold him
(cheap) to a lady who was supposed to use him for mild ring rides. She
turned around and sold him for a nice profit to someone and mentioned
that he'd done a 25 mile endurance ride.
After he fell twice with them, they had a vet look at him who diagnosed
him as "lazy". Fortunately, they looked me up and I told them the truth.
Apparently the arthritis progressed rapidly and was causing his problem.
Happy ending. They could afford to keep him as a pet, and I spent the
next 5 years doing my best to tarnish the jerk who sold him under false
pretenses' reputation. :-)
Angie McGhee & Kaboot
Wildwood, GA
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