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Easy Boots questions

>When you go shorter conditioning distances, is it necessary to use the
>vet wrap every time? What is the purpose of the vetwrap? What happens if
>you don't use the vetwrap?

Hi Lynette:  I use the easyboots to protect the back of the heel from the
easyboot strap.  You may not find this necessary for training rides (less
than 50 miles).  You need to give the boots a try and see how they work for
your horse.  They can work completely differently on each horse.  The
vetwrap also helps protect the hoof wall from the metal gripper teeth.
They can be really harsh on a horse - especially if you have a horse that
has soft feet or has been soaking up a lot of moisture from the snow, mud,
etc.  (like mine)  My farrier gets really bent out of shape if I am not
careful about that sort of thing.  :)  

I've used the foam quite a lot, but actually prefer to just use vetwrap -
especially on multidays so I can take the boots off and check out the feet
each day.  I have a feeling I'll be foaming the boots on one horse this
season, and continuing to just put them on regularly on the other horse.  

>Who uses easy foam and is it worth the hassle? What exactly does easy
>foam do?

Depends on your circumstances.  I have had really good success with it.  I
just got thru the last multiday ride on Rocky because of the easyfoam.  We
definitely would not have completed that ride if not for the easyfoam.  It
was a real lifesaver!  (that is when I cut the heel strap out of the back
of the boot because his heels were so soft)

I have a webpage that specifically deals with using easyboots for trail and
endurance riding:

Pages are as follows:  1)  How to put the boots on with vetwrap  2)  How to
remove the boots  3)  FAQ & prices on easyboots  4)  How to use Easy Foam

Eventually, I hope to have better pics up...but what is there now should
give you a good idea on how the prepare and apply the boots.  

Happy Trails,

in Gardnerville
& Dream Weaver, 2,455 miles in easyboots
& Rocky, 1075 miles in easyboots 
    (not counting LD, of course) :+)

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