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Paula, you are right about the horror of having some dumb beaurocrat
issue statements that are totally misinformed. Horse manure does not
spread weeds any more than do hiker shoes, ranger boots, the tire treads
on the trucks the rangers use, the fur of animals that traipse through
the wilderness, rain runoff, or wind. I tell rangers that I do NOT
feed my horses weeds; I buy the best hay available.
Yes, contact your local congressman and your senator, but I suggest
you do it as representing a group rather than an individual. Get other
groups to do the same thing. Call their aides, take him/her out to
lunch. Tour the area with them. Write letters to the newspapers --
usually, public agencies hate that kind of adverse publicity. Get
petitions started. See if you can get a dollar survey on how much money
horses bring to the local economy.
Contact your local ag department. It just might be that this
particular weed is inedible by horses, or is toxic enough so that they
don't eat it. And the ranger admitted that nothing (they know of) grazes
on it, but they are blaming it on horses?! Good luck, Connie B (CA
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