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The Horse Hollerer


Horse Whisperers, of late, it seems to me
Are getting too much notoriety.
Mr. Redford certainly paved the way
For them to smile at the bank each day.
I've come up with a new terminology!
Horse Hollerer works for me.
Tell me, if old Dobbin kicked at you
Just exactly what would you do?
Would you whisper, "You're a naughty bay-bee"?
Or would you holler, 'You dirty, rotten NAG"?
If dear, sweet Flicka decided to take a nip
And you didn't move at a fast enough clip,
Would you whisper, "Now you be good, but there's no rush"?
Or would you holler words that'd make a sailor blush?
We get along great, my horses and I,
But sometimes they're bad and I don't know why.
There's a time to whisper, I think you'll agree,
But sometimes hollering works best for me!!


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