Two years ago a local horse/small/large animal
vet hospital did a series of clinics in the winter for horse owners on health,
safety, breeding, etc issues. I took as many of my 4-H kids as I could to watch,
cause it was excellent info! Anyways, I remember the session on wound care and
the spider wrap...
<<<....Hmmm. If I
correctly, he placed it OVER the other leg wrap layers - simply one
rectangular piece of material simply covering the cannon bone, and
believe, down to the pasturn with the edges (i.e. long-fringed
meeting in the front of the leg. Then the fringe is BRAIDED
down the front of the leg. >>>
Ok, since we learned it for wound care, it had
gauze, cotton and whatever else you needed underneath the spider... We practiced
actually wrapping a fake (plastic) hind leg, and we knotted the strands. We
started at the top strand, knotted it, then started the next strand, with the
above one underneath! (looked like a braid) Thus, keeping it from getting caught
and untied, nibbled on, etc and making it look nice and pretty. I'd have to
either check my notes, or ask the vet whether or not we tied it on the side or
the front, but I'm thinking it was the side.... I may be wrong tho. It can also
be used on the hocks or knees, because it can move and shift w/ the
<<<The reason for this contraption? To
hold the underwrap together, but letting the leg breathe, or letting
leg move easily - not be too controlled by the wrap. (You know,
probably wasn't a regular wrap underneath, but more like a
poultice.) He
said it's an oldie that not many people do these
days. Hmmmm. Working
at a horse show more recently, a trainer had
heard of this spider wrap
deal. What do ya'll know about this?
Only the oldies know about spider
wrap?? Any youngies?????
Well, we were taught it was a compression type
wrap, that moved w/ the horse..... but almost the same premise.
Do I qualify as a youngy? I just turned 19 the
end of May.......and the vet who taught us is only in her early
Marlana Pitas & LL Rheebok (Mom?
There's a spider on my leg?? Where??)
South Attleboro, MA