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Re: Re: CIDs

I agree with Steph and other comments that CID needs to be ruthlessly
culled.  We're not talking something superficial like whether or not a foal
will have high white, we're talking a dead foal.  There are too many people
(unfortunately) that will hide or deny that their stallion is a carrier and
people bringing a mare to that stallion are participating in a lottery that
they aren't even aware of.

Some years ago, Cal Poly had an outstanding stallion that they put up for
sale for a very big price tag.  Before he was sold, he was bred to a number
of the CP mares and turned out to be a carrier.  The price dropped, and the
ads promoting him were changed stating that he was now for sale only as a
gelding.  A prospective buyer (very well known in the show world) offered
the higher price...if they could still have him as a stallion, which they
*were* planning on standing at public stud.  Their attitude was that even if
he was a carrier, and the occasional foal died (theirs or a client's), it
wasn't a big deal.  Cal Poly (very responsibly, I think) said no way and cut
him so that further discussions were moot.

Because it's a recessive gene, it will probably never be eliminated from the
gene pool, but the attempt should still be made whenever possible, IMO.
That's just plain responsible breeding.

Susan G

-----Original Message-----
From: Visions of the Wind <>
To: <>
Cc: ridecamp <>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 9:40 AM
Subject: RC: Re: CIDs

>>My breed is Morgans, not Arabs, but I have some dim
>>recollection that not everybody in the Arab world shared
>>Lif's outlook.  In fact, I kind of thought the discovery of
>>CIDs in Arabs created a huge storm of controversy and a
>>knock-down, drag-out, blood all-over-the-place fight within
>>the breed over whether CIDs carriers should be allowed to be
>>registered at all.  It was a lot like the Impressive Syndrome
>>problem in Quarter Horses.
>You're right here - there *was* a huge controversy about breeding SCID
>carriers once the gene was identified and a genetic test was developed to
>identify carrier (this was about 3 years ago)
>>Are Arabs required to be CIDs tested before they can be
>>registered?  With a positive or negative indication on the
>No. I believe they should be though... There are too many stallions at the
>big breeding/training farms that ARE SCID carriers though. Too much money
>involved... :-(
>>The problem is that going "laissez-faire" with CIDs, even
>>with testing, still means that the recessive spreads
>>much more widely through the population and there become
>>fewer and fewer horses that you can match together.  As
>>somebody interested in heirloom mare lines in Morgans, for
>>instance, one would hate to get in to the position where
>>the only living descendants of a "clean" mare line now
>>have the CIDs gene because the last daughter was crossed
>>with a CIDs stallion who happened to fullfill the 50%
>>chance to pass on the gene.
>But that mare could still have foals that are SCID free...
>>A human worst-case example with similar inheritance
>>properties and similar ultimately fatal results is
>>sicle cell anemia.
>>What is the history of CIDs in Arabs?  Did it start out
>>in one horse or one breeder's herd like Impressive Syndrome,
>>or was it always kind of endemic and spread evenly
>>throughout the population?  How widespread is the presence
>>of the gene now?  Is its incidence being tracked?
>SCID was originally identified in several small breeding groups, both here
>in the states and in Australia. It is DEFINITELY more prevalent in certain
>bloodlines. The gene is considered present in less than 30% of all
>and SCID foals represent approximately 2-4% of all Arabian foals born.
>(There may, of course, be more SCID fetuses that are aborted before
>foaling). The Arabian community is trying to keep SCID under wraps, but
>many, many responsible breeders are having their breeding stock tested and
>are culling ruthlessly. Myself included. I had fully intended to geld my
>stallion if he turned out to be SCID positive (he was negative).
>Stephanie McCray
>Visions of the Wind
>11920 Spruce Canyon Cr.
>Golden, CO 80403
>~ ___/>
>  //  \\
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