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Being a Mom AND an Endurance Rider

A while back several of us mom types were having a discussion (trying to 
rationalize our passion for endurance riding) about balancing kids, work and 
riding.  Tonight, I had a kind of epiphany (sp?) that I thought the other 
moms and dads out there would appreciate.  My son was skateboarding with his 
best friend and had a medium sized wreck -- big raspberry on his knee.  He 
limped in for triage and treatment.  I calmly (for me)  got out the first aid 
kit and then remembered that I had "borrowed" the antibiotic ointment for the 
HORSE TRAILER FIRST AID KIT (eeeek)!!!  Since my son, Graham, was busy 
admiring the major bloody boo-boo, I figured he wouldn't notice if I jogged 
on out to the trailer to retrieve the ointment.  Wrong!  He AND his friend 
noticed (I didn't have the heart to tell them where the thermometer is at the 
moment!).  Graham rolled his eyes at me and patted my back (this is the same 
kid who abhorrs the idea that I wash his jockeys in the same machine that I 
happen to do a little horse laundry in).  After a little doctoring he and his 
buddy were out on the front porch, popsicles in hand.  I admit, I evesdropped 
a little bit.  Turns out they were trying to decide whose mom was 
crazier...the friend's or me.  The other mom in question plays polo and runs 
triathalons (in MY book, she wins).  A pretty lively debate was going on.  My 
son:  "Well, MY mom once threw up all over Harca".  Friend:  "That's 
nothing....MY mom once threw up all over herself!" (I think the other mom won 
this one).  My son:  "I have to crew for my mom every summer at the Tevis -- 
100 degree heat AND really boring".  Friend:  "Have you been to a triathalon? 
-- I'd rather go to the dentist".  (she won that one too, I think).  THEN the 
friend said:  "Since my mom had the baby, we don't have to go to all those 
boring polo matches and triathalons".  My son, Graham, came in later and 
started asking if WE were going to have another baby, by any chance.  I told 
him, no, that wasn't likely.  He said "Good, I think I'd rather crew Tevis".  
Thought the rest of you parents/endurance riders out there would appreciate 
this one!


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