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Fwd: RC: Boz Saddles

In a message dated 6/7/99 3:08:51 PM EST, writes:

>  I'm seeking comment >       from owners or ex-owners of Boz saddles.  Do 
you and your horse like >       them or not and why?  Does the flexible tree 
and pad system work as >       claimed?  

I currently use a Boz, have had it for 6 years.  I really love it for myself 
and MOST of my horses.  It does not flex as easily as he says it does though. 
 It does not fit any horse either.  I does fit most very well though.  It is 
a very comfortable and secure saddle, I don't ride youngsters in anything 
else.  I do recommend them.  I have a very hard to fit mare, took her to a 
local saddler for a fitting along with my Boz.  His comment was that no 
saddle with a tree could fit this mare.  I should use a treeless sport 
saddle, or can shim the Boz for her.  He made the shims and placed them 
between the "comfort bars" and the saddle.  This has worked fine now for over 
one year.  Any other saddle could not have been done so cheaply or easily.

---- Begin included message ----
     I talked with Boz about his saddles at the Horsexpo in Sacramento, CA 
     this weekend.  He talks a great line (a real salesman) and his saddles 
     have some interesting and unusual features.  They have a flexible 
     plastic tree (but not nearly as flexible as an Orthoflex), replaceable 
     synthetic pads of various thickness' that can be sculpted and are in 
     direct contact (380+ sq. inches) with the back (no pad is used), a 
     flat seat and pretty far forward hung stirrups.  I'm seeking comment 
     from owners or ex-owners of Boz saddles.  Do you and your horse like 
     them or not and why?  Does the flexible tree and pad system work as 
     Thanks for any help.
     Jack & Judy
     Danny & Toushaa

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