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Re: Syringing Tale
>Have you considered using a large turkey baster?
Ug! I tried that. The clear plastic one was thin and broke the first
time I tried it, and with the stainless steel one I couldn't see if the
stuff went in. Then, when I finally got it in his mouth and squeezed,
the rubber end came off and it spilled everywhere. I highly recommend a
little electric coffeegrinder to grind the pills. It'll make them into a
fine powder in seconds.
I thought I'd never find any syringes with the really big open tip, but
Teddy at Running Bear, Roger Rittenhouse, and several endurance type
(ABC's included them in their canister of electrolytes) suppliers carry
them. I think they're labeled as "irrigation" syringes or something like
that. They aren't really made to have a needle on them.
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