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Re: [RC: Wild horse trim]
My horse was recovered finally from a founder and
subsequent bouts with laminitis by this system. In
fact, I just got back from another farrier visit
which has my horse moving soundly again.
This method requires that a farrier be trained in the mechanics
of the system and that he/she truly understand what
they're doing. They have to want to learn something new,
and some of them do not want to understand it, for
whatever reasons.
Go to the farrier site, www.horseshoes.com, and access the
article by Andrew Dibbern, DVM and Master Farrier, and the
website of Gene Ovnicek, www.hopeforsoundness.com, for more
detailed explanations.
Having seen over a period of 18 months how this system
literally saved my horse when my then farrier's and
veterinarian's combined knowledge had been exhausted,
I am a confirmed believer.
"Rachel Ward" <rward@peppersnet.com> wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------
> Attachment:
> MIME Type: multipart/alternative
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> Hi guys,
> Have any of you tried the "wild horse trim" on your horses as advocated
by Jaime Jackson and Bergy Bergeleen (farriers) and others? Supposedly, this
manner of hoof trimming and keeping the horse barefoot has "considerable value
in preventing lameness and improving performance in sound horses". It sounds
like it could be a wonderful thing for endurance horses. (not on rocks of
> I am interested in it because it also is supposed to help horses that
have been severely foundered. ( Yep, Boogie is mine now! :-) ) But I am
considering trimming the horses that I plan on doing LD's with the same way.
Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? There is an excellent
website @ http://members.screenz.com/gretchenfathauer/newpage8.htm which
explains this method much better than I can. Opinions, please?
> Rachael, Boogie, Cien, Sunny and Pooh (the herd)
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