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Re: RC: Bits/Hacamores/training.... etc.
Barb wrote: "Some horses can get their tongue over a snaffle (and some
riders don't always know it... oooya that hurts em if you pull back hard
Not only will it hurt, but it can cut the under side of a horse's tongue
severely. We had to board our stallion out for 6 months while we were
moving, years ago. Very dependable, responsible person - this is not a
criticism of him. Anyway, when he had to move our stallion, for control
he'd use a bridle with a snaffle rather than a halter with a chain (Nas
*really* objects to men he doesn't know). Anyway, shortly after we
picked Nas up, we had his teeth floated. The vet found that he had a 2"
wide, pretty deep healing cut under his tongue. All we can figure out
is that Nas had to have gotten his tongue over that bit.
Lif & Paul Strand STRAND ENTERPRISES http://www.fasterhorses.com
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Quemado, NM USA
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