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horse accident
Thanks to all of you who sent condolence messages to me. It helps to know
so many are sharing my loss and thinking of me. It was especially hard on
my husband as he loved to watch Travler run and the horse was "his baby".
I'll share a little of what happened and maybe can help prevent it from
happening to someone else. I was returning from riding my other horse, Trav's
full brother, Fox and was leading him to the barn. We must have startled
Trav who was confined to a 10' by 10" stall and small run due to a tendon
injury he got in the pasture. He has always been a high energy horse and
very reactive and the stall rest was the last resort to heal the injury. He
had injuries before but always recovered well without stall rest. Anyway I
heard a loud crash and saw him go down as I walked in the barn. At that point
there was nothing I could do for him. Called the vet out and she gave him
sedatives and we were hoping he'd come out of it but when he didn't show any
signs of improvement we had to put him down. So I guess one should always
talk to your horses that are in the stalls on the way to the barn so they
know you're coming and won't be startled. Of course, if you could build a
barn tall enough so they won't hit their heads if they rear that would be
even better but impratical most of the time especially when the horse is 16.1
hands. I was always afraid he'd get colic being in a stall for a long time
and that was my greatest worry about stalling my horses but I never thought
it would happen this way. But life goes on and I'm trying to concentrate on
Fox and my new horse Dually who I just brought home on Sat. Thanks again
for your kind thoughts. Kathy and Bud Crothers
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