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Re: RC: Re: feeding before a ride
In a message dated 5/18/99 9:11:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
suendavid@worldnet.att.net writes:
<< If, on the other hand, your horse is bottoming out,
isn't eating hay, his guts are sluggish and he's dehydrated, then fats are
not going to help solve any of those problems, and may make them worse. Not
directly, but indirectly by keeping him from either eating or quickly
metabolizing the feeds that *will* get him back in gear---specifically, hay
to support hydration and motility and carbohydrates (after guts are working
again) to support energy.
Marathoners and tri-athletes have backed away from fat as a during-event
supplement. They say it makes them lethargic. One thing we know from recent
studies is that, at any distance, the presence of adequate blood glucose
precludes the use of fat, inhibiting it at the mitochondria level. As far as
recovery is concerned, there is a body of science suggesting that an
immediate intake of carbohydrate after an exertion speeds recovery and
In my mind, feeding fat to spare glycogen is straw dog illogical. If the
problem is to have adequate or superadequate supplies of muscle glycogen at
the time of the event, then carbohydrate is the best source. If you're
feeding adequate amounts of carbohydrate, then fat won't do you much good,
even during the recovery days. If you're starving the horse of carbohydrates,
though (the situation with the initial equine fat-loading experiments) then
any substrate, including protein, becomes important.
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