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Re: RC: RC: Re: Pedigree question


I would defer to the CMK experts, but no, I don't think a Spanish horse that 
has lines tracing back to Crabbet imports to Spain (in the '30's, I believe), 
would be CMK.  The CMK refers to horses bred at the Kellogg ranch in Ca., 
again in the 30' & 40's that were based on predominately Crabbet bred 
imports, or horses of Crabbet lineage.  When you look back at the lineage of 
certain breeding progams, you'll see certain mares & (especially) stallions 
used many times.
Many breeding programs were based on all, or in part, on Crabbet stock, but 
because of the horses used & the tastes of the breeders, the type of horse 
produced by the breeding programs may differ, and some that have been in 
operation for decades produce a rather predictable type of horse.  Al-Marah, 
CMK, Selby are some programs I can think of quickly that were based on 
Crabbet horses.  Brumarba was, I believe, based in part on Crabbet which 
later added Spanish lines.
I'm sure many other Ridecampers can offer better info on some of the breeding 


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