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Re: stable and boarding insurance
holzer wrote:
> Does anyone know what is covered under "stable and boarding" liability
> insurance? A group of riders at our stable is trying to get a dressage
> instructor to teach at the stable where we keep our horses but the owner
> says that in order for him to be insured for liability in the event of an
> accident while the instructor is teaching, that the instructor either needs
> to have her own insurance or buy additional insurance from the owner's
> carrier. The dressage instructor says that in order for her to obtain
> coverage at our stable she has to pay an additional premium and that given
> the expected use of her services, it is not financially practical. ...
When you join AHSA, you automatically get a $1M liability policy. I have
4 horses, and the membership is very reasonable, I think under $60. I
would suggest that each owner get their own policy.
I think their number is 1-800-328-8894.
Linda Cowles
Gilroy / Morgan Hill Ca
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