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Fwd: RC: Ride Etiquette

In a message dated 5/9/99 6:53:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Then later, a vendor who was upset because he had to move his 
 truck, was loudly complaining about his inconvenience in a profane way. Then 
 I learned today that as my daughter hung out at the vet check area that 
 were lots of people who were garbage mouthed. >>

It it really a sad, rude commentary on the general population - and also from 
an educational perspective - that they can't express themselves without 
profanity. Anyone with a high school degree ought to have a vocabulary that 
would not necessitate vulgarity or profanity. Aside from this, it is 
ungentlemanly, unlady-like, uncivilized and downright disgusting. We don't 
allow our childrne to be trash-mouthed - we weren't raised that way. But if 
parents and teachers talk like this, of course the next generation will think 
it - A-okay - no matter WHAT is on television! How about some self control - 
and learn a few GOOD habits, folks!

---- Begin included message ----
    Just rode the Biltmore 50 this weekend. Great ride! Beautiful weather 
(once it stopped raining Friday night), beautiful trails and beautifully run 
(thank you Anne Ayala). 
     My horse did well and we cut off 3 hours off our last 50 at 
Thanksgiving. So we are improving.
     The only thing that marred the weekend were some profane mouthed 
individuals. My 13 year old daughter crewed for me. When we were taking 
supplies to the vet check area Friday night there was a small group of men 
talking loudly and profanely. It was disgusting and maddening. They 
thankfully jumped in their truck and left but not before enough choice words 
were let fly. Then later, a vendor who was upset because he had to move his 
truck, was loudly complaining about his inconvenience in a profane way. Then 
I learned today that as my daughter hung out at the vet check area that there 
were lots of people who were garbage mouthed.
     It is just a shame that we tout this sport as being family friendly and 
then there are those who show no restraint in regards to there profane 
expressions in this public fashion. It did not ruin our weekend or my ride. 
It just disappoints me that some people have to behave in this fashion.

Ed Roley
Western NC

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