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Re: Recovery for Jeanetta Sturgeon, Oklahoma Endurance Rider
- To: psychninja@aol.com, Rich.Richardson@digital.com, mlewis73@yucca.net, tbarbour@verinet.com, JIMF34@aol.com, jimkopke@aol.com, BearElanaBill@yahoo.com, syncott@4dvision.net, bubbanme@gateway.net, pskoglun@dns.nejc.cc.co.us, Caballos@worldnet.att.net, DanielCasper@upr.com, capape@worldnet.att.net, Cowgirgoof@aol.com, jmutchler@h2net.net, dianaz@ecentral.com, sandys@zianet.com, ccannon@holly.colostate.edu, hhcc1@htcomp.net, jbumgard@ridgecrest.ca.us, larson@ria.net, klandreh@holly.colostate.edu, Drubaska@aol.com, BoxeyeCAS@aol.com, bstultz@ok.tinker.af.mil, rblument@jeffco.k12.co.us, lthielen@smtpgate.dphe.state.co.us, rcuervo@prairieweb.com, LBALDWIN@us.oracle.com, talkurt@roadrunner.com, juke@pcisys.net, louie@gomontana.com, JIM_BAUER@HP-ColSprings-om1.om.hp.com, mclaughj@usaa.com, MONICANDC@aol.com, MustLady@aol.com, bearshoe@citrus.infi.net, Rossblank@aol.com, aperkins@carroll.edu, Cakconsult@aol.com, lmasters@uswest.net, ARATACK@aol.com, jimgpfr1@airmail.net, bkwranch@cmn.net, suhayes@wyoming.com, lmiller@carbon.cudenver.edu, comiccode@classic.msn.com, comiccode@msn.com, jaym@lamar.colostate.edu, Mastle@picea.cnr.colostate.edu, rosieblu@rma.edu, horses@chorus.net, Prcountry2@aol.com, dmulligan-867f3@ibr8gw80.usbr.gov, ROBINVIS@aol.com, jroe@cmsenergy.com, whsadmin@ncis.net, ruck@internetwis.com, RL96TA@aol.com, nmetz@allenpress.com, capape@worldnet.att.net, fjames@CASTLE.CUDENVER.EDU, jrl111@lokey.cvinet.com, drakebar@RII.Maryville.K12.MO.US, alcritters@hotmail.com, mcunningham@calcot.com, EquesB@aol.com, johnt@fsr.com, Leonard.LIESENS@DG10.cec.be, arikaras@iafrica.com, KC85124@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU, buytheline@softcom.net, zebella@northrim.net, BDWright@UCDavis.edu, Whitcomb.Elizabeth@mayo.edu, WWArabsrun@aol.com, jillianw@rmi.net, ruth@timbercrest.com, Cedmes@aol.com, vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu, lindavaneq@juno.com, hollis.ulyate@med.va.gov, michaelt@info2000.net, cmiket@aol.com, step@bluefish.fsr.com, katswig@deltanet.com, DEBSUSS@worldnet.att.net, Marinera@aol.com, CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com, skoglund@lamar.colostate.edu, k.simler@mailexcite.com, Sschom@mail.platte1.k12.wy.us, Teddy@runningbear.com, VMAXEPT@aol.com, LRiedel769@aol.com, mmsprice@mail.ptd.net, poppe@sec.noaa.gov, dpfalmer@rmi.net, ramey@wvi.com, lis_gammelin@mailgate.patagonia.com, snewman@fcc.gov, Navarrada@aol.com, wind@visionsofthewind.com, mmaul@flash.net, mathison.mhs.mr2@RII.Maryville.K12.MO.US, tinamathison@hotmail.com, mmarston/r2_arnfpng@fs.fed.us, magsmarston@juno.com, kmama@vth.colostate.edu, jlong@mti.net, Cbaertsch@aol.com, dkuhn@mayo.edu, DocUte@aol.com, jackson@inconnect.com, jhughes@scitor.com, cancer@inetworld.net, lhimmel@mail.obgyn.uiowa.edu, lhess01@mail.coin.missouri.edu, henslee@triax.com, bhtoolin@juno.com, haywardl@shentel.net, bgray@xmission.com, lynng@access.mountain.net, hikryrdg@evansville.net, rvf@micron.net, ENDURANCEVET@WRITEME.COM, kenlyn@idcomm.com, equithotics@earthlink.net, dowling@skyway.usask.ca, sharon@dolantruax.gardnerville.nv.us, ccrespo@nigma.com, cadair4407@aol.com, novahpr@aol.com, samaia@earthlink.net, spiritr@uslink.net, carmen@hiWAAY.net, dancoe@wyoming.com, darolyn@swbell.net, AdamsRa.nch@juno.com, jetta4trails@yahoo.com, Jeffrey.Ott@ey.com, jlakso@softcom.net, susano@sopris.net, rkewish@rmi.net, krisolko@juno.com, LEEVALLONE@aol.com, lyncdl@rmii.com, marsha.barney@phs.com, dlindell@megsinet.net, cluskey@rconnect.com
- Subject: Re: Recovery for Jeanetta Sturgeon, Oklahoma Endurance Rider
- From: mbp@holly.colostate.edu (Brad Patterson)
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 03:55:04 -0600
- Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net
>Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 18:45:24 -0700 (PDT)
>From: jeanetta sturgeon <jetta4trails@yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: recovery slow
>To: Brad Patterson <mbp@holly.colostate.edu>
> Well, I am home. It is nice to be out of the hospital, but I am
>still very depressed. Maybe even more so, as I am so dependant on
>someone to help me in every thing I do. Because of my previous
>injuries, dating back to 1974, I had absolutely NO fingers on my right
>hand, and just my thumb on my left. HOWEVER, I had adapted extremely
>well and could do everything independently, in fact, many people would
>ride with me all day and not notice anything wrong. I was always so
>thankful that I still had my left thumb. Because of a stupid horse
>that was not my own, now I have had my left hand torn off. It has been
>re-attached with some loss of bone and tissue. It was sewn into my
>belly for 3 weeks so that a thicker skin graft would take. Also a bit
>of skin was removed from my thigh and patched on my hand. This
>accident happened on March 10th. I was in the hospital until April
>17th, three days after my hand was released from my belly. My doctor
>says it will take several more hospital stays and surgeries to get some
>function back. From 6 to 12 more months. I still have my thumb, but
>it has been so traumatized that I can't use it,...yet. It is a
>struggle to type this and use the computer, even. But I wanted to
>let everyone know that I appreciate and enjoy all the messages. My
>horse is at a friend's place for a while and I am seriously thinking
>about buying a Pinto-Arab filly from a friend, so do not think that
>this has turned me against horses, just one particular horse that I
>never want to see again. So I am stuck at home with plenty of time and
>would appreciate any e-mail. JEANETTA
May 1-2: 11th PAWNEE GRASSLANDS RIDE 15/30/50/75/100-25/50 (Briggsdale,
August 2-6: 3rd ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIDE 55/55/55/55/25-55
***AERC & UMECRA Sanctioned ***AERC Pioneer Award Event
2 - "Medicine Bow", Arlington, WY
3 - "Gus Ehlin & Cinnabar", Centennial, WY
4 - "Rawahs", Mountain Home/WyColo, WY
5 - "Montgomery Pass", Gould, CO
6 - "Cache La Poudre", Red Feather Lakes, Indian Meadows & Stove Prairie, CO
Pre-Registration deadline is July 1st; deposit is $25 per day. Space is
limited to 60 starting riders per day.
September 4-6: 4th HORSETHIEF PASS 30/50-15/30/50-30/50 (Walden,
Colorado). ***AERC Pioneer Award Event. ***New Location!
September 25: 2nd F.R.E.E.* MOONLIGHT RIDE 15/35/50 (Boxelder Trails,
Wellington, Colorado). ALL ride proceeds go to benefit Front Range
Exceptional Equestrians (Post Office Box 272452, Fort Collins, CO
80527-2452) for recreational & therapeutic riding programs for the diabled.
For all rides (except the RMR), the pre-registration deadline is 10 days
(postmarked) before the ride; pre-registration deposit is $25.00.
"There is no better way to see the world than from the back of a horse."
- Teddy Roosevelt
Email: mbp@holly.colostate.edu
Mail: 1600 West Plum Street #28-H, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Home Phone/Fax: 970-491-8891 (evenings after 9:00 pm are best)
Work Phone: 970-962-2487
A portion of the proceeds from these rides will go to benefit:
The Children's Hospital (1056 East 19th Avenue, Box 153, Denver, CO
80218) for Inherited Metabolic Disease Clinic research;
The Crazy Horse Grass Roots Club (Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation,
Avenue of the Chiefs, Black Hills, Crazy Horse, SD 57730-9508) for Native
American scholarships.
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/RideCamp
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