RC: Couple of things.....
Good morning campers,
Couple of things I have been thinking about lately.....
1. trot vs. cantering (I know this is an old thread, but
please bear with me. My Donte LOVES to canter. When I
first got him, we cantered mostly (with some trotting when
he wanted to) for 8-15 miles per ride, 4-6 days per week.
We both loved our rides. After my first endurance ride,
(ok, it was LD, but...) he placed 4th, with GREAT
recoveries. We cantered probably 65%, trotted 25% and
walked the rest. After the ride though, I was hearing how
trotting was the gait of choice for distance and started
doing our weekly rides trying to trot more and canter less.
He didn't like that I could tell, but I pushed and got my
way so to speak. Now after hearing the responses to the
original thread, I am going back to cantering him. I also
read in a book I have that the trot is not a natural gait
for an arab, although they can be trained for it, but for
him I feel comfortable knowing that he can canter and still
do this sport. Now I am ready for a fun summer!
2. The same horse gets absolutely famished about 10 miles
into a ride. What can I take on the trail to help this? I
usually take granola bars for me, and then feel sorry for
him (he practically rips them out of my hands, & when I am
on him, he stops and looks over his shoulder at me.....)
3. Beginning my training rides. Two horses to ride, so I
am alternating evenings and starting with about 4-6 mile
rides, nothing too strenuous, cantering, then walking to
cool down, catch our breath, etc. and then nice easy
cantering again. Alot of hills. Sound Ok so far?
4. BTW, I ordered a Thorowgood endurance saddle and will
give a report later. (If any of you are interested that
Heidi (and Mighte El Donte "I'd go farther if I was sure I
wouldn't starve out there on the trail!")
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Subject: RC: Couple of things.....
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