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Re: RC: Re: ENOUGH! wrote:
> In a message dated 3/29/99 3:43:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, SandyDSA writes:
> << Rather than risk a repeat of the nonsense,  just knock it off, guys! Tom,
> your last post was following NUMEROUS posts from people who had heard enough.
> I agree. Don't send any more of this to the list.  I didn't botehr to read it
> - but it is past annoying.
>  s >>
> If you didn't bother to read it, then how can you have anything useful to say
> about it? This is an important issue, to others besides me and the Guardians
> of Past Pronouncements. Judging from your post, your interest seems purely an
> emotional one. If my answer to your post is annoying to you, I don't know what
> I can tell you except that I'm perfectly willing to answer any and all posts
> directed at me candidly and clearly--and always will. If you find that
> objectionable, there is a solution--train your invective elsewhere. Certainly
> there will be some who are cowed by it, providing, I guess, a sense of
> accomplishment in your neck of the woods.
> ti

I've been trying really hard to stay out of this thread, but since you
guys have all decided to bash Tom for contributing, I guess I'll stand
up here in the middle (where the bullets fly by) and say "Keep it

I've said this before, but I have to commend Tom and The Susans for
being willing to air their respective scientific opinions in public.  I
honestly believe most of the slinging is tongue-in-cheek anyway, so I'm
inclined to chuckle while I read it all.

I've learned so much from watching/reading/paying attention, and it
REALLY challenges my critical thinking about ALL science.  I think it
helps to thicken everyone's skin by getting into this instead of being
turned off by it.  So go ahead - if you have a scientific opinion, yell
about it!  Then invite your worthy opponent out for a cup o' joe.

My obligatory endurance-related statement for this Would-be Short
Diatribe is that I KNOW FOR SURE that my horses are healthier and I am a
much more clever owner because of the lively debate.  I assume there are
others out there who agree with me. (?)

So thanks again, and have at it!  And may the weak-willed beware.

-Abby Bloxsom

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