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In a message dated 3/29/99 5:16:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, Tivers writes:

<< If you didn't bother to read it, then how can you have anything useful to
say about it? This is an important issue, to others besides me and the
Guardians of Past Pronouncements. Judging from your post, your interest seems
purely an emotional one. If my answer to your post is annoying to you, I don't
know what I can tell you except that I'm perfectly willing to answer any and
all posts directed at me candidly and clearly--and always will. If you find
that objectionable, there is a solution--train your invective elsewhere.
Certainly there will be some who are cowed by it, providing, I guess, a sense
of accomplishment in your neck of the woods.

Sir: (and Steph),
The point is - stop this public business - it matters not who is right or
wrong - maybe both of you are wrong! No one cares. What we DO care about is
that you won't leave it alone. Steph, I forwarded this to you because it seems
that enough is enough.  My delete key is worn out.

---- Begin included message ----
In a message dated 3/29/99 3:43:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, SandyDSA writes:

<< Rather than risk a repeat of the nonsense,  just knock it off, guys! Tom,
your last post was following NUMEROUS posts from people who had heard enough.
I agree. Don't send any more of this to the list.  I didn't botehr to read it
- but it is past annoying.
 s >>

If you didn't bother to read it, then how can you have anything useful to say
about it? This is an important issue, to others besides me and the Guardians
of Past Pronouncements. Judging from your post, your interest seems purely an
emotional one. If my answer to your post is annoying to you, I don't know what
I can tell you except that I'm perfectly willing to answer any and all posts
directed at me candidly and clearly--and always will. If you find that
objectionable, there is a solution--train your invective elsewhere. Certainly
there will be some who are cowed by it, providing, I guess, a sense of
accomplishment in your neck of the woods.

---- End included message ----

    Check it Out!    

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