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Information request from Argentina
Hi Marta and Patricia,
I'm forwarding your request for information and contacts
to the Endurance email service - Ridecamp@endurance.net .
The list is dedicated to the discussion of endurance and
related topics. I'm sure there are people on this list that
would love to contact you directly. If you want to subscribe,
there is an information and registration page at:
For more general information on Endurance, browse the
Endurance Net site (http:///www.endurance.net) and the
AERC website (http://www.aerc.org).
Good luck!
Steph Teeter
>-----Original Message-----
>From: marta acosta <macosta@sminter.com.ar>
>To: 'step@fsr.com' <step@fsr.com>
>Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 5:38 PM
>Subject: information request
>We are two riders new to endurance but not new to horses. We are in
>showjumping, and even own a riding school with quite a few students
>During the summers (in Argentina - January and February) we go down to a
>beach area called Carilo, 400 km south of Buenos Aires, with our school
>of horses and students. This is a wonderful location with forests, sand
>dunes, beaches and roads where we teach students and train our horses.
>For two years we have joined the Arab breeders in their endurance races,
>just for the fun, and we became really enthusiastic. Last year, the
>Argentine Equestrian Federation, made endurance an official activity so we
>decided to take our participation more seriously.
>We have so far competed in 2 two-day 30km races, and last weekend in an
>race. Our horses did pretty well, but we would like to have more feedback.
>Who can we contact to obtain more information and answers to the many
>questions we have. I have read quite a number of books on the subject, as
>well as the A.E.R.C. manual, but still need to ask a lot of questions.
>Thank you for your attention,
>Marta Acosta & Patricia San Felice
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