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Re: barring horses, and LD
In a message dated 9/14/98 11:59:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu writes:
<< If these 2 things are lumped into
one question to vote on I think that reflects poor planning by the BOD. >>
The $10.00 is a done deal and not voted on by the members. The LD definition
is a By-laws change and will be voted on by the membership. Some of the
newcomers to Endurance are 50 milers. Why should they have to pay and the
LD's not. The LD riders get everything the longer distances get. Vet checks,
banquet, vet exams, awards, etc. The only difference is that they CHOOSE to
ride a shorter distance.
As far as poor planning by the board goes, I have been thinking about this for
some time. I don't know about the other board members, some spend more and
maybe some less. However, I spent over $750 to $1,000 to go to the mid year
meeting alone. I had to burn two days vacation which really hurt because of
all the time off I had anyway due to the broken knee. I had to hoof it
through an airport for about a mile to make a plane change. Try that with a
cane and a knee that sets off every alarm so that I have to be searched. In
addition, I absolutely hate the midwest. [Don't flame me for this I can't
help it. I love mountains and oceans and hate humidity]. The board members
spend a lot of time and money for this sport that we all profess to love. We
are required to go to the convention which costs more money that some of us
can ill afford. Last election there were 8 slots for director at large and
only 8 people cared enough to run. I ran for director because I have been an
AERC member since 1974, have ridden 8,000 miles that I enjoyed almost all of.
I felt that I should give something back. While I do not always agree with my
fellow board members [actually sometimes hardly every] I for one am tired of
seeing them slammed every time they make a decision that is not popular with
some. Even though there are directors that I don't agree with, I don't think
for a minute they are just trying to get back at me for disagreeing with them.
Yet that is the overwhelming feeling that comes across from the members when,
God forbid, they don't like our decisions. We are trying to do a 1/2 year's
worth of work in two days. Try it some time. Sometimes we make decisions
that seem great and then prove to be unworkable. The general membership that
we hear from [especially on ridecamp] seem to think we spend the whole time
trying to think of ways to ruin "their" sport or their concept of it. While I
am on my little soapbox, how many of you people actually ride endurance [and
yes, I am including LD]? How many of you are members? Anyway, the deadline
is coming up. Rather than whining and complaining about how bad the board
does, try being part of it. It really is not an easy job. Hooray for Bob
Morris. He is willing to put his money where his mouth is so to speak. I
will vote for him. I have known him for years and he is one of the ones I
very seldom agree with but......he is honest, cares about the sport and has
the experience. If you don't agree with us, run against us and replace us,
just quit complaining about everything thing we do. When we do make bad and
unenforceable decisions, believe it or not we try to change them. If you
really feel strongly about it, don't vote for the by-laws changes. It's that
simple. I might not vote for them myself.....Maryben Stover, West Region
Director [for the rest of my term anyway].
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