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Re: rainrot & dirty horses
Thank you Heidi and everyone else for clearing up the misconception that
rainrot is a product of poor maintenance. It makes me mad that people
are so fast to point fingers without checking out the facts. I had a
horse during the winter months who was in the exact same pasture,
getting the exact same grooming and attention, as Mystery, yet he came
down with the worst (and only) case of rainrot I've ever seen. BTW, he
was white. I felt sooo bad as it wasn't my horse and I did a lot of
research as to the cause, plus paid out of my own pocket for his
examination and medicine. My conscience was clear because I knew he
wasn't neglected, but I am still not sure the owner realizes it 100%
since I never hear from her anymore. Really made me think twice about
taking care of anyone else's animals ever again.
So please, know your facts before you point your fingers.
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab..."I didn't give it too him!)
Pt.Reyes, CA
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