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Re: Heel Bulb Bruise
why not i am on a roll...
IF MY horse had a bruised heel-- and he did last year..
i would gave ARNICA 30c 2x per day for 3 days
then HYPERICUM 30c at different times once a day until better
soak foot in epsom salts hot water..
i like the hawthorne iodine hoof pack.. put one in an ezboot or the med
boot and keep on all day after the soaking.
after a few days of this may try a pad soaked in HYPERICUM tinture 10
or 15 drops in the cotton with water.. then into the ezboot..
Hypericum is St Johns Wort.. can get the plant from a good health food
store..and make a tinture of strong tea for soaking..
I am going to try and grow some of this next year.. need some seeds.
i wounder with all these herbs i grow around here if dea will get me for
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