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Re: Night riding
In a message dated 98-07-27 11:25:37 EDT, jlong@mti.net writes:
<< Oh, one more thing: car headlights are the absolute worst of all. It
is literally painful to be riding down a road and have someone in a
waiting vehicle turn on their headlights to "see who's coming." >>
No kidding! At one of our local rides, the vet crew (all non-riders or
non-100-milers) at the finish thought it was a great idea to shine a halogen
lamp back down the trail at the finish. There was a short climb and some
rocks in the road right there--really made it treacherous, because riders and
horses couldn't see a blasted thing! We told them what a hazard they were
creating, and I noticed the next year they had the halogen lamps shining the
opposite direction. Bad enough, but big improvement!
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