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Re: Update on proposed stable closures by the Feds
My group is on the other end of the country.There
is no peace in the valley as far as equestrians go
these days.
I started working on the freeman bike trail issue
because the bike folks were getting paved road on
the rails to trails four feet right down the middle we
were left with two feet on each side.Meeting after
meeting calls etc. just when I was in the thick of it
one of my main trails was closed by the Audubon
Society------------- news paper articles, petitions,
meetings I found out that A.S. uses standard signs
whether the benefactor requests multi trail use or not
I got a call from the head of management of the A.S.
suggesting I not publish these issues. Within a few
years A.S. plans on closing all its properties to horses
whether the deeds say all animals or not.
Right now we have over a thousand signatures asking
the society to co-operate with the equestians and we
will in turn maintain the trail systems.A.S. gets land
donated and does not pay taxes, we the tax payers
carry the burden of the given land.
Recently land donated was sold and developed I hope
the benefactors are not turning over in their graves.
When people give, it is for the public use to be able to
enjoy nature, for future generations to enjoy nature, but
that is not what is happening. I was told my A.S man-
agement that it is private property and they can do as
they please with it.
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