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Re: Update on proposed stable closures by the Feds
First of all, thanks for this important update. It is important for everyone
to know that they can come together and make a difference.
Secondly, while you may give credit to the feds for coming around and
withdrawing their proposals, it is clear this would not have happened without
the formation, work and input of the EAC (and all those behind it). I believe
the true credit belongs to you folks.
Having been involved in the paralegal profession at the national level and
worked on legislative testimony in response to various bills introduced at the
state levels, I have seen how a concerted response to any federal or state
actions can make a big difference.
Keep up the good work and if you ever hear of anything in Oregon or Washington
or any national stuff I can help with, keep me in mind.
Lori (who works in Oregon ) and Keno (the brat) who both live in Washington
but ride in both Oregon and Washington)
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