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Shami / Ode to a Great Mare
To Carol and Rob Thompson- wonderful friends, FEI crew, endurance riders,
SEDRA board members, and owners/riders of a truly great endurance mare "Irish
Blaze" AKA "Shami"; a tribute to your lady.....We'll miss her
A fiery mare, chesnut and bold,
Her heart was big, surely made of gold.
The wind in her mane,
There was no holding her back,
She was the boss, didn't take any flack.
Her riders were strong, they'd had to be,
This mare could fly, just let the reins free.
Many thousands of miles, she did trot,
At fourteen she started, and just new her lot.
Over wooded trail, mountain and stream,
She never faultered or ran out of steam.
No Arab in her, she was an App with no spots,
A Queen to all who knew her, a spirit never to be bought.
Tribute to Shami,
by Becky Siler
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