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Re: gelding young
In a message dated 98-07-02 19:35:17 EDT, capape@worldnet.att.net writes:
<< I'm hoping some of the vets out there can provide me with pros and cons of
gelding a colt at a young age (1 1/2 months). This little colt is already
exhibiting studly type behaviors and I know from his pedigree that he will
be a dominant handful. >>
Pros for early gelding: easier on the colt while he is still on Mom, very
little aftercare as compared to gelding them older, stop "studly" behavior
earlier, may actually increase adult size somewhat. I do a lot of them before
they are weaned, and have done them as early as 3 days old.
Can't think of any cons.
Heidi Smith, DVM
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