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Endurance saddle
I found a used endurance saddle for sale at my local tack store - it's
wide tree caught my eye. I had never heard of the brand, but wanted a
saddle to trail ride in to save my newly bought, carefully shopped for
dressage saddle. My horse loves it. I love it and I haven't ridden in
anything else since I brought it home to try it out. It is from the
Marciante Saddle & Leather Co, Inc. 1 (800)684-7433. It is very light
weight - I can swing it onto my mare with one arm. It is very close
contact - even more so than my dressage saddle. It seems easy on my
horse's back as she is very content in it. I stay centered and
comfortable. I also love the western-style buckle girth that is also made
by the same company. Now, I am selling my western show saddle to buy the
western version of the Marciante. I don't plan on riding in anything else
in the future!
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