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Re: Trouble finding reliable farrier : (

  I also explained unabashedly that I wouldn't tolerate lack of
>notice or continued tardiness. (thus instilling guilt up front!) Then, for the
>first three or four sessions I paid him a 50% tip on top of his fee.  I have
>NEVER had a problem since.  I still OCCASSIONNALLY throw in extra money if
>it's particularly hot or particullarly cold or whatever.

I see PAYING as a big thing.  I know of many farriers that don't get paid,
bad checks etc.  If they know you pay in cash ( ask what they charge, hit
the ATM BEFORE they get there ) at least the first few times, I think this

I REALLY  like to book my farrier every 4 weeks, alternate my horses ( 5 in
shoes ), no one is out of a lost shoe very long.  Must have a good farrier,
almost never loose a shoe, and we shoe every 8 weeks.  I have my farrier
booked almost 6 months in advance.  

I think being right up front with them with what you expect is RIGHT ON .
And you do get what you pay for.  If not in $, in courtesy.  My current
farrier even calls me a day or two in advance to remind me, and to make sure
who is due etc, to set his schedule!

Becky Hackworth

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