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In a message dated 98-04-22 00:03:49 EDT,

> As you can imagine, what would we do in a simialr situation in such a
>  remote area dominated our conversation most of the way home.
We had the same conversation after learning about Kahlua and her rider.

How about some suggestions from the vets?

I would like to know what emergency supplies I could reasonably carry and how
to apply them.  The biggest risk I'm not prepared for is excessive bleeding,
like Kahlua, and fractures or extreme tendon/ligament pulling or tearing.  I
guess there's also snake bites and maybe allergic reactions, but I don't think
these are as likely to be encountered where I ride.

Perhaps Kahlua's misfortune could be turned into a valuable lesson and wake-up
call for the rest of us.


San Francisco

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