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Re: Re: After ride/off feed/probiotics

My farrier has been using and recommending Super Blue Green Algae for two
years.  He has seen quite a few changes.  His dog, dachsund, got attacked by a
rottweiler and caused spinal damage from the shaking.  He did acupuncture and
some chiropractic but she drug her hindend around for a couple months.  After
a few months on the Algae she was up & walking and is back to her old self.
I'm sure the nerves and damage was still regenerating and it may not have been
100% the Algae; but he is convinced her recovery was from improved nerve
synaptic firing (from the improved health of the cells getting the enzymes and
amino acids they needed).  Where he got that one I don't have a clue.

I do know my husband had a seed wart the size of a nickel on his thumb for 40
years that was burnt out to the bone twice that went away within four months
of being on the Algae.  (Only change in his life).  His lifetime athlete's
foot condition is all but gone also.   (The $40 a tube stuff barely kept it in

My friend used a probiotic on one of her horses that she was having a weight
problem with.  She was feeding it all kinds of stuff-no change.  Put it on one
of those that guarantee change within 90 days.  She said the horse had bloomed
by about 85 days so she never got her money back.  I wonder with the heat
factor our horses have if it would be a plus?  Someone with some medical
background can second guess that one.   Many people seem to do better with
acidolpilus added...?

Does body mass heat effect gut flora? 

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