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Re: beginning conditioning/ questions.
Kimberly, yes, a bit of foam between the legs is OK, but I find in
my horses and I repeat, this is with my horse, may differ with other
horses that any foam elsewhere is when my horse is unfit. The foam or
the sweat may be real sticky or tacky and salty. As my horse gets into
shape the sweat turns more clear and thin or watery and almost
glistening looking. As the horse does get in better shape you will
notice it will take more work before the horse sweats and will sweat
less. On the other hand a horse that does not sweat at all when it
should be is not a good sign as the body's internal system is shutting
down. With warmer temps, still long coats, many will sweat quite a bit
and be sure to offer water at every chance.
My pet peeve is watching riders bomb by water stops and when asked,
say, "my horse does not usually drink till such and such or he just
drank. A horse will not learn to drink at every hole unless you offer
and give them the chance. They won't learn otherwise. The best
drinking horse I ever saw is Karen Chaton's horse, Rocky. That horse
will drink at EVERY stop no matter when or if he just did drink and am
sure that horse will never have hydration problems. That is because
Karen gives that horse a chance to drink every time and he has learned
to do so.
Unfortunelty my horse is not as good at drinking, but you can bet I
will still stop everytime...maybe he will catch on.
Linda, who will proudly be doing 25's this summer on her epm horse!!!!!
Linda Eisele & Sareei and
hubby, Allen & LS Iceman
& the young LS Lakota
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