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sore back advice
First, I would like to thank Steph for the list.
I have managed to meet 2 people through this list who live in my part of
the country (IA). For that I am eternally grateful.
Also to the person who usually ends their post with volunteering if you
don't ride, thanks for the suggestion (if you had not written it I would
not have realized that help was needed and appreciated), that is what I
plan to do to meet more people and learn proper competitive etiquette.
Unfortunately, I don't have the hauling equipment that I need, so I am
hoping that by volunteering I can also find someone who has space in their
trailer for another horse and would appreciate help with gas.
This list has made me aware of a 'safe' way to fulfill one of the dreams my
mom and I have had for 10+ years, to ride across the west along trails like
the pioneers did. I thought I'd just have to give up on that idea or take
my chances. I am very interested in the millenium ride, or whatever its
real name is.
Onto sore backs, I realize that this is not directly endurance related,
although the horse in question is my 'back-up' endurance horse and the
horse my mom will be riding.
Several people have written about white hairs from poor fitting saddles and
sore horse backs in general. I have a question for the veterinarians and
'heavy weight' riders.
Are there any rider weight maximums recommended for horses in general? Is
it determined by horse confirmation? Horse age? How do the heavyweights
'toughen' their mounts backs, or do you decide who to ride based upon if
they can carry you without getting sore?
I have been trying to 'help' a friend out by letting her ride Archie in the
hopes that she will remember how much fun it is to ride and buy her own
horse. She weighs at least 250lbs (earlier in her life & when she still
owned and rode her own horse she weighed about 160lbs). I believe the
saddle fit is OK as he does not get sore when I ride him but he does get
sore when she rides him (flinches and back sinks when you run hands or
brush over his back even several days after she rides). My concern is that
she may be doing irreperable long term damage to his back and his
willingness to work attitude and if so then I need to reverse my 'good
friend' stance and tell her to stop riding Archie. Additionally, Archie
has started a lot of 'distress' behaviors (attempting to buck, jigging
instead of walking) when she is riding him. I am one of those people who
owns horses for life after I purchase them. So Archie has to be sound,
well mannered, and usable for a long time to come.
Archie will be 5 this year. He is somewhat long backed especially compared
to my short backed mustang. Approximately 15 hands high. The person I got
him from started him at 2, his 8 year old granddaughter rode him when he
was 3, I rode him the beginning of his 4th year, Pat completed his 4th
year, and now we are into year 5. He had most of the winter off, I rode
him occasionally without any indication of a sore back. Pat started riding
him again last month (once or twice a week). It was quite by happenstance
that I realized that she might be making his back sore (now I sound like a
derelict horse owner).
I read with interest Susan's summary on soundness and weight per pound of
cannon bone. According to my calculations when Pat is riding Archie he is
carrying well over 85lbs per square inch of cannon bone. Thankfully Archie
has not had any soundness problems.
Pat wants to increase her riding to 5 times a week after day light savings.
I feel I need to make a decision before then.
So what is the group's advice? What a shitty place to be in, the health of
your horse who relies upon your decisions for his wellbeing or continuing a
positive relationship with your friend who you have no control over.
Thanks in advance!
Looking forward to seeing some of the midwestern riders at some of the
rides this year.
Karen & Rose (groom me, my winter coat is itchy in this heat) & Archie (my
back hurts) in IA
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