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Minimum Weight Rules
--you said "---the only logical outcome will be a diminished
participation by those that feel prejudiced against..---" Thank you
Carlos for writing so eloquently what we have been thinking for some
time now. Hopefully, the time will come when international, IAHA and
others will figure out if you give people the impression they have no
realistic chance at success they will not support the event. People
equate to dollars and dollars mean success of an event. So as
International comtemplates eliminating the current weight rule, we urge
them to consider those that will be excluded. Many will say that none
will be excluded and horses will be spared. However, in real life, many
will be eliminated. The more complete answer is to eliminate the
minimum weight requirement and add weight divisions. They could require
squads to field teams with two members of each weight division. This
adds more ride entry dollars and more opportunities for more riders to
ride. This all leads to more rider interest and more $$$. This
solution requires more effort and is similar to what you suggested with
the boxing weight divisions. However, FEI is really only interest in
ONE winner and this change is not likely. As a side note, IAHA rides
in our area are lightly attended. They only recognize the winner. The
prize money only trickles down to the winner--who we have noticed are
all featherweights and lightweights. Do they wonder why many are
apathetic toward their programs? No matter how you slice up the
discussion, featherweights and heavyweights are birds of a different
feather. True head to head competition is best when we challenge
ourselves and our fellow competitors most like ourselves. Physics will
predict featherweights will pass heavyweights a majority of the time.
It is more logical to compare lightweights against lightweights, etc.
Top ten is in our opinion an archaic measure and artifical barrier that
means little and promotes unrealistic competition. The bottom line is
"if I can't play, then I don't wanna pay." Guess we'll go find those
asbestos shorts everyone's using... cheers and happy trails. Kay &
Tinker (West region).
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