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Re: Skito Equalizer Pads
Hi Liz - I have a comment about the fabric...I have a cotton (kind of a
nubby, cotton canvas type) and a cotton/hemp blend (I didn't realize
that I was getting this or that there was a difference, I just ordered
a royal blue one and found out that it is only made in cotton/hemp).
anyway, the all cotton has worn very well, (have had it 4 years).
The cotton/hemp is not wearing well at all, but the biggest problem
I have with it is that is doesn't stay put. It slips (ie, moves toward
the back of the saddle). That may be why it is not wearing well. But,
it is a big pain. I plan to order another top in the all cotton and just
get rid of the cotton/hemp.
Jude Hall
in Ohio
>I've heard and read alot about how great Equalizer pads are. I'm now on
>the verge of ordering one for use with my Sportsaddle, but have some
>questions. What thickness of foam is preferable? It is available in
>1/2, 3/4 and 1 inch. I'm leaning towards the cotton hemp top. Any
>drawbacks to that? Does it hold up reasonably well? Are there wear
>leathers on the top?
>Thanks in advance for all the answers to my questions!
>Liz in Belchertown, MA
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