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Re: LD miles, NOT FLUFF, and Endurance Thrills
Thank you for mentioning the flashlight on the helmets etc. I don't if
people think they can see better or what. If they would just take them off
they would see so much better in the dark and let the horse see better as
cookie hickstein
> From: Joe Long <jlong@mti.net>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: LD miles, NOT FLUFF, and Endurance Thrills
> Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 7:36 PM
> On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 18:02:35 -0800, Mike Sofen <miksof7@gte.net> wrote:
> >Tell me, as one who has never ridden horses at night,
> >how do they pick it up, or is it something they'll do and
> >WE have to pick it up? Is a horse that is a bit spooky
> >by day going to do the same at night? Thanks.
> Horses have excellent night vision. AFAIK horses are generally no more
> at night than in daytime, although their riders sometimes are! The most
> important thing you can learn is to trust your horse ... he can see
better than
> you can.
> Along with this, one of my "pet peeves" is people who ride at night with
> flashlight on all the time -- especially a helmet light -- and don't
turn it
> off when they encounter or follow another rider. The harsh, glary,
> shadows they throw in front of *your* horse is something I'd much rather
> without.
> --
> Joe Long
> jlong@mti.net
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