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I have been reading all the posts on limited distance miles counting for
ALL milege ridden. I have been riding endurance for over 20 years now. It
has always been my understanding that the limited distance was to introduce
people to endurance on a "limited" basis or to work a young horse at age 4
to continue on to 50 and longer distances. I do have a problem with the
idea that the 25 miles counts toward total mileage for the horse or the
person. I will try to explain why..
To finish 50, 100 or the 5 days rides takes a dedication to your horse and
yourself to be able to complete it. You must train, and take care of the
horse and basically have your whole life dedicated to the sport. If you
are to complete the rides you must condition your horse and keep that
conditioning on him/her. This takes away from your family and other
activities. You ride when it's snowing, raining, windy, whatever to get
the horse ready. Now hold on, I realize that the 25 milers train etc too.
But, to ride the longer distances takes more of your time. I am lucky that
my husband rides too and probably enjoys it more than I do! This time of
year we do nothing but ride the horses on the weekends, and during the week
when we can, life is with the horses.
I must agree with Heidi, I have seen horses that competed at the 25 mile
distance in the past with injuries, deaths, and more on iv's etc than we
have now and WE CAN NOT go back to this type of activity. If we do there
will be NO endurance rides period.
In reading the posts I have the feeling that there is alot of people out
there that haven't even ridden a limited distance ride let alone thought of
a 50 or 100 mile ride. Don'' be afraid to try a 50 if you have your horse
in condition, once you do it you won't go back to 25 mile rides. I feel
as if alot of new peolpe want to change the AERC rules as they now are, if
this is the case, first join AERC to support the sport, then get envolved,
and go for it. If the majority of the membership feels that the rules
needs to be changed that fine, but go about it in the correct order! Ride
some rides meet some of the members that have been around awhile, (we
aren't against change) we just don't want alot of new rules thrown down our
throats when you haven't had the opportunity to meet many of us and to see
what the sport is really about.
I have also read that many of the limited distance riders feel that the
longer distance riders look down on them. I hope this isn't true, if
riding 25 miles is your thing go for it, most of us longer distance riders
do not look down on you and most are willing to help you in any way we can
to get you through your ride and to give you tips on different things that
works for our horses.
Give the sport a chance, try a 100 THEY ARE EASIER than any 50 I've ever
ridden, including the Tevis, Virgina City and Big Horn 100!
Cookie Hickstein
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