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RE: Overbending and Transitions

Cathy wrote about her horse overbending.  Actually, you were probably on
the right track when you wondered about him reaching for the bit.  If
your horse is used to going on contact, he may actually be "looking" for
the bit and wanting contact.  Try taking up contact on his mouth and see
if this helps the problem.  Urge him gently forward into the bit with
your leg and seat and keep your hands soft and in contact with his
mouth.  Nose toward the ground is a good stretching exercise since the
horse learns to relax.  Now he's ready for the next step which is
collection and contact.  

Lysane wrote about her horse getting excited about walk-trot and
trot-canter transitions.  One way to help alleviate your horse's anxiety
about moving forward is to do lots of up and down transitions.  Walk,
ask for a trot for a few strides, then back down to walk, up to trot
until it becomes routine.  Do the same with the trot to canter.  When
doing your down transitions be sure your horse does not lose impulsion.
Also, any expectation on your part that you horse is going to get quick
on his gait change is immediately transmitted to the horse.  Before you
change gait, relax and take a deep breath.  I'd bet you'll find that
your body, especially your upper back and jaw are tight when you are
asking your hors to move forward.  Its instinctive to do this and
overcoming it takes work.  Be patient with your horse, it will take time
for him to break his habit too.  It sound like you've made a lot of
progress already and maybe he just needs more time.  The last little bit
always seems to take the longest! 

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