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Are LD miles Endurance miles? was Re: NOT FLUFF
On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 07:10:59 -0600, Chris Paus <paus@micoks.net>
>In MOTDRA, the distance riding group in Kansas, all miles are added
>together for total lifetime miles. They make no distinction between ld
>miles and open class miles. That is a silly distinction the miles are not
>different. They are all miles.
So, should the miles from ten mile "fun rides" held at an Endurance
events count, too? How about riding once around the camp?
Try a little experiment. The next time a Marathon is held in your
area, go and sign up. But tell them you're only going to run 13
miles, and that you'll come back next week and run the other 13. See
if they'll give you credit for running a Marathon.
25 mile rides may be tough for some people, but nearly any sound horse
kept on pasture can be taken out with *no* conditioning and complete a
25 mile LD ride. That is not an endurance ride, no matter how much
some people want the same recognition for riding half the distance.
I know that I don't exactly make myself popular in some quarters by
defending this basic concept. But I'll gladly take the heat to help
prevent a watering down of our sport. Rides of less than 50 miles in
one day are not endurance rides, and miles ridden on rides of less
than 50 miles in one day should not be counted as career endurance
Joe Long
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