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Re: After ride/off feed/probiotics
This probably has NOTHING to do with your horse, but I read once about
this sort of problem, and they noticed problems with gum color or
something, and it led them to find that there was exhaust going from the
truck into the horse trailer. As long as you're checking everything
else, it wouldn't hurt.
On Sun, 08 Mar 1998 21:06:17 -0700 Cheryl Newbanks
<horsetrails@inficad.com> writes:
>Hi group! I was wondering if anyone else has a horse who eats good up
>the ride, gets off their grain when they get there and stays off for a
>or two after each ride too. Blue eats his hay well but is off or
>slow eating his grain during this ride time period. I thought of
>him probiotics but since I am not sure what the benefits are of giving
>it I
>haven't. Does probiotics get their stomach flora back to the point
>feel good enough to start eating again? Is that why they go off their
>feed, because they get a nervous stomach like we may when excited? He
>starts off with A's on gut sounds and ends up with B's too. Any
> Cheryl Newbanks
> ~~ ^ ^ Just In Time Ranch
>~~~\ _ ~~/ /\ / Buckeye, AZ
> ( )__ ) ' ' horsetrails@inficad.com
> // \\
> // \\
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