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After ride/off feed/probiotics
Hi group! I was wondering if anyone else has a horse who eats good up to
the ride, gets off their grain when they get there and stays off for a day
or two after each ride too. Blue eats his hay well but is off or really
slow eating his grain during this ride time period. I thought of giving
him probiotics but since I am not sure what the benefits are of giving it I
haven't. Does probiotics get their stomach flora back to the point they
feel good enough to start eating again? Is that why they go off their
feed, because they get a nervous stomach like we may when excited? He
starts off with A's on gut sounds and ends up with B's too. Any ideas?
Cheryl Newbanks
~~ ^ ^ Just In Time Ranch
~~~\ _ ~~/ /\ / Buckeye, AZ
( )__ ) ' ' horsetrails@inficad.com
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