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Stomache problem
About midway through my first two rides (a 35 & 25) my stomache starts
feeling really gross and burpy. By the time the ride is over, I have to
sit down every few minutes because I feel like I'm going to throw up. I
never actually do throw up but that would be preferable. Anyway my
stomache feels nasty for the next day or so. Other than that, my horse
and I are fine. One ride was cold and wet, the other ride was hot so I
don't think its weather related. I didn't eat or drink much the first
ride so I drank and ate more the next. Same gross stomache. I had
cereal with wilk about an hour and a half pre-ride. Is that the
culprit? Did it churn up into butter during the ride? I had fruit
juice, crackers, skittles and an apple during the ride. I would greatly
appreciate any input.
Still sick from Florida Endurance Classic,
Karen in Ormond Beach
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