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Cribber Help
My Thoroughbred was a dyed-in-the-wool cribber until we hot-wired his pen.
He's in a 24 x 24 pipe corral. There's a wire on the top pipe and the second
one down, as well. Now when I put him someplace other than his pen (like our
turn-out area or arena), he might crib a little bit if there's nothing to eat,
but nothing like he used to. He also tries to crib when I tie him in the
washrack by taking one of the cross-ties in his mouth, but he's not too
successful, and since I'm usually right there, I tell him "quit it!" I don't
think there's a cure if they are really into it, but you can prevent it with a
hot wire.
Karen Bierstedt
I need Some assistance, we presently have a horse that we are boarding
for a close friend and he a cribber. We have tried every thing I can
think of. He can crib on anything including metal fence posts and he's
making a mess of our nice cedar corner posts. Our local vet suggested
Reserpine, but I had another vet tell me that the drug is like playing
dice, sometimes you get a batch that work and sometimes you don't. The
horse's owner wants to do some LD rides but the horse is as skinny as a
rail and we can't seem to get any weight on him because he cribs all the
time. Does anybody have a good suggestion or two for a neophyte rider.
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