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Re: keeping weight on
> Thanks - the discussions have been interesting even tho
> Susan's formula for energy expenditure post this morning did
> make my eyes glaze over jsut a tad <VBG>. I'm so glad there
> are folks like her that get excited over stuff like that so
> mere mortals like me can do a better job of feeding :-))
WHAT!!!!??? You mean you poor misguided fools would rather actually go
ride horses than cause yourself brain damage by squinting and muttering
darkly over logarithms and exponential doodads? I'm shocked, really.
Well, the good news is that if you spend all your time reading the
literature you never get bucked off into the cactus. The bad news is
that reading journals doesn't add a single damn completion to your AERC
record, which is probably why I've been paying AERC dues for ten years
and still only have 505 miles...
Think we can talk AERC into some "honorary" miles based on how many
hours we all spend sitting in front of the computer? That may be the
only way I'll ever win a championship jacket! :-D
Susan Garlinghouse
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