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Equine Physical Therapy
K S Swigart said:
>(And here I am going to
>go WAY out on a limb and say, if you need a chiropracter for your horse,
>that is pretty much confirmation that you haven't been working your
>horse properly. Not to say that this doesn't happen even to the best of
>riders, just that it is an indication of overuse of the horse, breaking
>it down rather than building it up.) Proper dressage should always
>build up the horse.
You know you were setting yourself up for trouble.:-)
There are many reasons for needing a chiropractic adjustment.
Even if the horse is perfect, the dressage trainer is perfect,
the rider is perfect, there are just some days.
I saw Drake out on the mountain, he raced across the hills, took
a flying turn, hit some ice, did a double half gainer (what ever that
is), twisted in an impossible way, slid half down the mountain,
and came back up as if nothing had happened. (I'm really glad I wasn't
riding him at the time.) At dressage lessons, he seemed just a little
off, and didn't have much power in one back leg. The chiropracter
found the culprit and adjusted just so. Next lesson, lots of power in
that leg.
Incorrect riding, over use, and a wide variety of other causes can
cause back trouble, but even the best of us need some adjustments
once in awhile (sometimes attitude adjustments, like with Elliot,
sometimes getting that SI joint back where it is supposed to be
like with me.)
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