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Re: animal attacks
Back when I was a kid we had trouble with wild dogs. People thought
nothing about bring the dogs they didn't want out to the country and
dumping them. They then packed together and were a threat to the stock.
There was always a gun in the truck and when we went out on horseback we
always carried a gun. No hand gun - a real gun.
I always carried a 12 gauge double barrel. It was carried on the horse and
it was unloaded. I carried the shells on my belt. I could load - and
reload - a double barrel in the blink of an eye.
If I had to take on a dog pack. I stoped, got off the horse and tied
(loosely) if I had time. I would tie it a long way from where I say the
problem and walk a good distance away before I thought about using the gun.
The horses didn't usually react to the shots, but I made sure I was always
far enough away that the shot didn't scare the living heck of him. If I
didn't have the time to get a good distance away from the horse, I tied the
reins to the saddle (loosely) so that if he spooked, he wouldn't hurt
Would I go after a pack of dogs with a hand gun - not on your life.
Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm
Little Stormy - getting ready for her first ride in six years
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy, a.k.a. Bridger - Finaly getting his shot
Sarasota, FL
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